Beyond The Sticky Mat…

Teaching doesn’t end on the hour. Here for you is an archive of wisdom to hold you when you need support, strength, direction, & inspiration.

Erin Cranston Erin Cranston

On Oneness

The sun shows us each day that to give virtuously means to give without prejudice, discrimination or expectation.

The way we give really reveals our comprehension of Oneness.

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Erin Cranston Erin Cranston

Shine Your Light

πŸ”±It's there. It is your calling. It is your tapas. It is your burning desire to know more, to go deeper, to learn, to love completely, to fill your cup, to speak your truth, to accept a teacher, to be present to gurus…

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Erin Cranston Erin Cranston

Love > Fear

We’ve all felt it βžͺ that lack of motivation that causes us stray from our sadhana or resist practice or even just daily tasks. ⁠⁠

⁠⁠Whether it be π’”π’‚π’π’”π’‰π’‚π’šπ’‚ (fear of capability) or one of the other 12 obstacles known as β€˜π’‚π’π’•π’‚π’“π’‚π’šπ’‚π’”β€™ within yoga philosophy, we cannot deny the allure of retreating when faced with a brick wall. It’s time to break down that wall.

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Erin Cranston Erin Cranston

Positive Pathways

This article on establishing, restoring & reclaiming positive pathways includes affirmations & a guided meditation.

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Erin Cranston Erin Cranston

Let Your Guard Down

Let's be real - you've been through a lot. There was a moment you genuinely didn't think you could make it but here you are. In spite of all your doubt you survived every hardship, moved through every difficult experience. Instead of feeling strong, capable, adaptable, resilient, feel tired, weary, apprehensive, distrustful, guarded.

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