Shine Your Light

Deep inside us there is a light, a spark, a flame.💔Throughout our life, there are experiences, actions or mental afflictions that take that light away. 💭Every word you tell yourself inside in the dark moments serves to take a little bit of your light away.
Yet, that little light keeps burning.
🔱It's there. It is your calling. It is your tapas. It is your burning desire to know more, to go deeper, to learn, to love completely, to fill your cup, to speak your truth, to accept a teacher, to be present to gurus in the form of children, to adore your faults & become a living, breathing beacon! ✨
That light is your Ananda Mayakosha.
❤Ananda is bliss.
👁Maya is Illusion.
💫Kosha is a layer that is peeled back to reveal another.
🌌💜Remember this: Ananda can only be accessed through surrender, letting go of the outer shell, breathing life into that flame & fanning it delicately on a daily basis - through practice - through #puja - through #devotion - through being the child - through NOT basing your worth on what others think of you.
🤍Past your thoughts - is your flame, your light, your bliss.
🙏Let's touch that BLISS together.


On Oneness


Love > Fear