Divine love is the Connective Fiber of the Universe
Our experience of familial or biological love gives us a very human insight into our capacity for Divine, unconditional love. These two are not the same in the way your soul and Spirit are not the same. We have a depth of compassion and patience for our loved ones we simply do not offer everyone else. We choose to see the best in the people we love. We have patience for their challenging behaviour, we forgive them with much more ease and we choose to encourage them to rise to their potential rather than to focus on their flaws. We recognise the Divine nature expressing through them. This is a glimmer of the potential unconditional love holds.
Human love differs from Divine love because it comes with expectations and these expectations limit it’s expression. This limitation is not necessarily bad (think healthy boundaries) but it does place a container around a frequency that is boundless, impartial and completely indiscriminate in its highest expression. Divine love is like the radiant sun. It doesn’t choose to love one life but not another. Divine love virtuously gives to all knowing giving is receiving. It realizes itself as EVERYTHING. Divine love is the connective fiber of the universe.