• Hari OMMM

    …is the frequency I aim to offer. The Hari OM mantra contains within itself the cosmic vibration & intention to create peace & healing.

    Welcome to a vision of community that is diverse, inclusive, & led by humility. A hive nurtured by hands & heart.

  • ̶ ̶S̶u̶r̶v̶i̶v̶e̶ THRIVE

    Each day presents a question: “How will I show up in the world today?” Check out of the mundane & into the mindful - approach today with peaceful purpose that ripples out your HIGHEST VIBRATION.

  • Enlightenment isn't for someone else, it's for you...

    Awakening is a daily practice, not one big moment. The idea is to construct a life to make space for those mOMents. Your experience is YOUnique and won’t be a blueprint of some one else. If something is for you all you have to be is YOU to receive it.

Through this practice we alchemize our dharmic destiny. We awaken a light that illuminates the path of love and certain transformation.

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Me & Us

Me & Us

Exploring my mind, body & heart, I unveiled my true dharma (purpose) - to be a lighthouse for other Spiritual Warriors. Yoga was the platform for Self awakening that has shifted & lifted my life. Through shining, I became a beacon & fell in love sharing my gifts that help others feel & heal their way into alignment.

If you also fell in love with awakening, Namaste, my friend.

“I want my passion & my purpose to be the most beautiful things about me. I encourage my students to be compassionate and connected; resting heavy emphasis on alignment, intention, and breath.”

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With humility - an open mind & heart - we embrace the sacred study of Yoga

The first of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is an invitation to empty our cup. Humility is an atribute that allows us to grow & grow but never cave in on ourselves. When we are able to open up to the possibilities of total awakening - mind, body, & spirit - our practice becomes auspicious & fruitful.


‘Yoga is the uniting of consciousness in the heart’

The second of the Yoga Sutras describes consciousness, although believed to be a concept of the mind, as truly one of the heart. When we calm the fluctuations of the mind, only then can we can abide in the heart and experience our true nature. Through the palette of human emotions we experience moment-to-moment the practice us back to the center, back to love for ALL - Self and other.

“When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place”

— Bhagavad Gita

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